Natural Language Search

Please use the following search tips to improve your search results:
Keywords:Enter keywords as space separated single words. (Eg. Corporate Law will return documents that have contents or titles containing both words Corporate and Law). To search either of the words enter the search term as Corporate or Law
Phrase:The exact phrase entered will be searched for. (Eg. "foreign company" will return documents that contain the exact phrase)
You may also search for a combination of phrases (Eg. "foreign company" and "foreign exchange" and not "commentary")
Partial Word Search:Enter the first letters in your word followed by an asterisk (*) to return variations on the word (Eg. constit* will return constitution, constitutional and so on)
Title SearchUse the Advanced Search link for Title and Topic searches. Search for case names Manish Dwivedi in documents of Corporate Law case law, if you know the name of the case.
Search for RBI Press Release 1388 dated 27 April in an All words search.
Topic SearchSearch for documents related to a topic. (Eg. deduction)